How Mentally Tough Gymnasts Bounce Back From Adversity

Getting Back on Track After Disappointment Have you ever trained so intensely for one meet, only to be disappointed by your performance? Disappointment is something all gymnasts will experience at one point in their career. It’s impossible to score a personal best in every routine at every meet, even though you train hard to achieve top scores. Handling disappointment will … Boost Confidence>>

Are Your Working Harder in the Gym, But not Scoring Better?

The Mental Skills of Top Gymnasts Why do some gymnasts who put so much effort into improving their scores often receive lowers scores than past performances? What are they focusing on during their performances? You would think working harder, refining routines, working longer in the gym, strengthening skills, developing more powerful dismounts and sticking landings would produce better scores. Yet, … Boost Confidence>>

How Simone Biles Copes with Mistakes

Regaining Composure after a Mistake Would you believe it if you were told that you could experience the major frustration of a fall and the joy of a personal best routine all within the same meet? Many gymnasts would never believe that around the corner of failure lies success. Too often, gymnasts have difficulty rebounding after mistakes, a fall, stepping … Boost Confidence>>